
Paving out a plan…

Good day one and all.

It is 2018 and I am one week into a very slow, sober, DRY January! It’s not as easy as I thought and my real motivation for doing it was to lose some weight.  I have been eating like a squirrel and not a drop of the good stuff has passed my lips since New Year’s Eve and what a b*stard surprise, I’m no bloody thinner, lighter or less sweaty!! It’s a joke, but I will continue for the month and see how we progress.  I mean, I’ve got this far!!

Anyway, I am kick starting you all off this year with a post about GOAL SETTING – How very apt, and somewhat late to the party (as per f*cking usual!!).  I have things that I want to achieve, they may appear ridiculous, they might even seem borderline impossible to you, but that’s the point of personal goals.  THEY ARE YOURS – no one elses!

Now my goals are details as follows;  26166679_2005739282784417_4135472374455558904_n

These are goals on my horsey side of life, ones that I might well be utterly terrified of right now but, hopefully ones that if I work my arse off, I can achieve.

It was easy to lay them out, I dream about where I want to be in my riding life and this is it really all laid out on here.  Regional final, a BE100 (both of which I have done before) a Medium dressage test, which means having to teach my horse how to do HALF PASS and to get my new EX-RACEHORSE to HOYS in a series of qualifiers that draw in over 800 entries!!!!!

Me personally, I need to shed some pounds.  Not because I think I’m fat, but because I want to feel good about myself, I want to not have a bulge of fat hanging over my breeches after the XC when I couldn’t give two sh*ts about it in the moment… I look back and all I see is my rolls of fat and how I should have pulled my top down!!

I also need to save money and BUY A LORRY.  I am so close with £3000 saved up already and the little lorry I have my eye on is £4000 so not far to go. But the 20 events I have lined up for this year will be near on impossible with £160 of transport costs per event to factor in… that’s £3200 for the season in HIRE!!! But without it – I’ll be going NOWHERE!!

SO… with my goals set, I have started on the plan…


The provisional ‘Shit your Pants Schedule of Events’! is now live.  I have exactly 7 weeks on Saturday until my first BE event with Pat and 13 weeks for Bender’s first HOYS qualifier!!

That is not long at all and I’m loose in the leavings just thinking about it!!

I need to clip off all the remaining fur and get my arse in gear!! It’s creeping up on me like the Black Death did to Derbyshire!

So, 7 weeks to save for my lorry, 7 weeks to sort out  my brain, 7 weeks to confirm all my sponsors, to get all my gear ready, to get my horse fit, to better my show jumping, to find a stronger calmer for ME and him! This is going to be a VERY busy 7 weeks!!!

Enjoy setting your goals, I did.  Now for the reality of acting on them and making this the BEST YEAR EVER.

Love as always

Vic, Pat and Bender



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